?We are here talking with Mr. Kimroy Bailey and we are broaching the subject of love, the love between Sher and KB. This is a particularly touchy subject for some but it was a ctually Mr. Bailey’s idea to talk about it. So since we have his permission let us get into it.

Oasis Videos by the Trott Bailey Family

? Can you tell us a little about the Love between KB and Sher?

” Sher and I have been together and married for over six years. I have loved my wife passionately from day one. I told her straight up-from the start of our relationship, even before we were officially married that she is my wife.Frankly I have no eyes nor dick for any other woman than my rosy, voluptuous Sher??.”

?Ah Wow!..ahmmm…! How did your relationship become so strong, I can practically feel the bond of unity oozing off of you two?

The Love between Multibillionaires Sher and KB. 1drop Trillionaire trott bailey family

We are loving people and truly desire only a peaceful, abundant and happy life for ourselves and others too. However we are brutal when it comes to anything that threatens any member of this household and our unity. It’s by fighting together through many things that we each got to see for ourselves that we truly loved each other.

We have been broke/penniless together, homeless together, betrayed together, threatened together, scandalized together, ganged up on together, harassed together, surrounded by humans with hearts of wolves and alligators; who were snarling and waiting with baited breathes to rip into us.

We have been cold together, hungry together, through prison together, yes prison and it’s not a metaphor, real prison. And not just once because being locked up once don’t count. We have been locked up on 3 different continents. When you’re a multi-billionaire, who owns multiple companies in multiple countries, on a world tour and you don’t act the way ‘rich people’ should act then these shit happen. Despite it all we always ended up coming out better, stronger, more unified and with more understanding  for each other. I fucking love my Sher with every thing inside me! What my Sher has endured, any other woman would quake under 1% of the pressure she’s endured.

Sher came into my life and has single handedly built our family businesses from a one man show, solar installation and summer camp training company in Jamaica to now a global empire worth over 180 trillion dollars? for the Asian arm of the Trott Bailey Family Group. I had to ensure that all our global branding has my baby girl front and center along with our cute baby and babies to come ?

Trott Bailey University logo without background png 1000x1000
The Trott Bailey University Logo features my beautiful queen and our Baby Keilah Trott Bailey.
Oasis Videos by the Trott Bailey Family again features my sweet Sher and our adorable Baby Keilah Trott Bailey.
The Kimroy Bailey Group of Companies Logo features my wife, Baby Keilah ? and the little tikes to come along with our dog Ponchello

“Sher and I love to watch historical Chinese Dramas together so I will use that as an illustration. Like Sophia from Golden Girls would say ” Picture it…Sicilly…..lol….Sher loves that show by the way. Picture us, the two of us surrounded by thousands of bloody men with swords drawn. You would think with the odds stacked against the two of us, one of us or both of us, would break under the pressure. But no…like two great epic heroes we look each other in the eye, a little knowing smile comes to our lips, we assume our position- back to back with our swords drawn. It’s together to the end like Chucky.”???

“So there the two lovers, fighters and samurai heroes are with their swords drawn, standing back to back prepared to fight to the death together, eyes filled with fire, feet firmly planted. My muscles are bulging, her booty is popping and their comes Jesus just walking pass in his Speedo with some potato chips in his hands…

Jeezy is like ?” You guys sure do love to fight your own fights….is it the costumes?….it’s the samurai costumes isn’t it?…you like how it fits don’t you KB. I already told you  guys that I take care of your battles for you can’t you remember. Come on leave these fuckers and let’s go surfing ?.”

And then Sher and I turn to each other and we’re like,
” we really should let Jeezy take care of it. Yep let’s go surf.” Trust me nobody should want to mess with this family because it’s guaranteed Jesus will not go easy on you.

We are on the Topic or Love Between Sher and KB ?Mr Kimroy Bailey, as the King of your household, what is it like to have such a powerful Queen ??

Sher is so easy to please….a bowl, no I should say a whole bag of her favorite mangoes flown across the Pacific from the Caribbean or Central America or sweet strawberries from Korea and she is content for the day. She is also a multifaceted woman with a genuine heart. My queen can switch from an all day munching and online shopping fest to ” honey I have an idea for an online game and a kids series….here I wrote it out, Get it done.”

Then there is her feminine, sexy side. “Anytime she starts getting cranky and confused I know what time it is…I just calmly wait her out, tease her, kiss on her, whether its days or weeks  before she realizes what she wants. Before I know it that’s her calling herself Ms. Daisy and inviting me over for tea to fix her pipes.(Kimroy chuckles)?? “

The love between Sher and KB is undeniable but?You guys are very vocal about your love for your daughter and your intentions for more kids. How does Baby Keilah factor into your union?

My little Bambini, sweet Baby Keilah is so beautiful and full of life. As small as she is, she is so smart and charming. She kisses her daddy, rubs my face and makes funny faces at me. When she genuinely does something wrong and she knows it she apologizes. We both love going out together and giving Mommy her Mommy time. That little kid has been with us through some things…she is a tough little bird. This tough little bird spent the night with me in a prison in South East Asia. She was like I’m not going home without Daddy, when they finished their questionings and we’re adequately appeased by how wealthy the Trott Bailey Family is and the sources of our billions; there we were, that was me and my Bambini heading home.

Oasis Videos by the Trott Bailey Family – Baby Keilah and her Korean Friends

This has always been the multi billionaires of the Trott Bailey Family attitude towards money.

Are there any parting advice that you would give to men out there whether married or in a relationship about loving their woman?

  1. First, rid yourself of all sources of contention…many of you and I’m actually talking to women as well, many of you have silly sentimental, lingering feelings for past ex’s, who you still text or call every once in a while or they call you. Stop that shit! You will never be unified when you’re allowing  caterpillars and snakes into your garden.

2. How about actually loving and liking each other genuinely rather than ticking off your little list of must haves for compatibility. Your true mate might actually be the very intelligent and loving Go-Go Stripper or taxi driver and not the college educated, I’m a doctor, lawyer, or other self important doe doe head.

3. Stop doing dumb surface shit like always going out to eat at a fancy restaurant. Instead Go out to a lonely island, a woodland, a forest or something for a few days. No amenities, no food… Breath be stink after a few  days, no makeup on. The nights will be cold and you got to huddle together to stay warm, gather sticks to make a fire?… Learn how to fish or gather some fruits and before you know it real conversations begin, laughter comes, pent up issues can be cussed out.

Sher and baby Keilah at the Trott Bailey University in Korea

There is more to say but just digesting this will take some readers a while. Others might choke to death if I say more?? Can you imagine that people only care about how their relationship looks on Instagram? Both partners know that they hate each other to death but as long as they smile for the selfie ?, get some likes ?, and fake it enough to convince the world that they’re a ‘happy family’ then they’re quite happy.”

? Well wowww! What to say? When the message is pure gold you don’t have to say anything. That’s all we are going to say for this series of ” The Love between Us”. A big thank you to our forever on vacation boss, Mr. Bailey for his very candid and downright funny insights and advice.

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