Faith trumps logic: Talk to God, He listens, and He replies.

One cannot rely solely on “logic” to guide your life. Faith Trumps Logics

Pretend all you want you, God is very real. I’m not talking about the Hindu Gods, Budhha or Allah either. I am talking about the One true God who founded the Jews and sent his Son Jesus to atone for all mankind. Those of you who know Jesus’ story will understand what I’m saying above. The rest of you go read the bible. Faith Trumps Logics

I wish to only speak from my own experience: God is very funny and of course, as would be expected, he has all the answers to life’s questions. It’s because of my relationship with him, that I can boldly speak against many evils on the Earth, that I can think up Trott Bailey Family Kingdoms, that I can create my own leading video platform, that i can say the Earth is young and the Internet is young, even more importantly that I have finally gotten my shit together and focused on my family ( husband and kids).

By faith, i have a wonderful and devoted husband who loves me sincerely and we are of a united mind. If i had listened to all the crappy tv shows, the disgusting stories of cheating gossiped over and over in my mother’s hair salon from childhood, if i had looked at my own lineage of fatherlessness and lack of good men figures in my own family, i would have never believed for my wonderful husband.

But no, I decided to seek God and only God’s words, God’s point of view. The fucking Earth could be going to shit and i would still only seek God’s point of view. If you only knew how boring God thinks you all are…..smh. He describes you all as gorillas in a hamster cage. You were all created by God to be powerful in your specific and individual callings/functions, but you have chosen to squeeze yourselves into a little hamster cage, ready to be pulled left or right with the wind of other people’s mouths and wanting to people please…. have my priorities straight, I am not bamboozled by broke fake Hollywood stars, weak-willed politicians, evil family members, evil friends and church hypocrites, mega-church pastors, fake pity-seeking people, News & propoganda….etc.

Not everyone’s calling is some grand thing like being the World Ruler, but whatever your calling is you can be damn sure you are going to be excellent at it and it will make you feel so satisfied. If your calling is that you can spot a blade of grass that is overgrown from a mile away, by God you pluck that grass…that’s how it starts, you fucking love all things grass….before you know it-you are reforesting a desert. It didn’t make logical sense that you just loved grass, that wasn’t going to get you a college degree, but that was what truly pumped your blood. Faith Trumps logic, my friend.


faith trumps logics

Get your own relationship with God and your own backbone:

The truth is that you just love doing evil shit more than seeking out God. You fuckers just don’t want to hear God tell you that you should stop fucking around, Stop being an evil bitch, stop faking at church, get some ambition, move out of your ghetto neighborhood, get some new hobbies, and grow some character, stop divorcing and remarrying, be good parents, etc. God is going to tell you like it is, that’s why you don’t want to delve too deep. You don’t want to ask yourself or Him the hard questions. Faith Trumps Logics.

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faith trumps logics

Faith trumps logic:

God’s guidance is the only way to keep a clear mind and not fall for all this slick-tongued logic that comes your way from intellectuals, witches, therapists, friends, fucked up family, social media, etc. I mean the world is almost at the point of questioning, What is a man? What is a woman? Pathetic! Faith Trumps Logics

A human can use logic and Logical reasoning to explain why he fucks his cow. That is Still Fucked up Though, Isn’t it? You can have a prostitute say that she is going to teach women how to get and keep a husband and she will logically explain why she is competent to do so….the audacity, 😱 😱 A prostitute who can’t even keep one man for more than an hour. Faith Trumps Logics.

God over Logics. Faith Trumps Logic.

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Oasis Video & Games Hub by The Trott Bailey Family is a multi-generational family media that records and shares family memories. Our platform promises to deliver wonderful and dynamic life videos, original games, hosts live events. Another important agenda of Oasis is to be streamed worldwide for free to everyone without the need for viewers to have a data plan or Wi-Fi connection. Oasis will always be here to preserve the Trott Bailey Family legacy and to entertain the entire world and present insight on the cultural nuances about the Trott Bailey Family Kingdoms. Faith Trumps Logics.

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Greatest Fashion Designer Greatest Architecture Designer Trott Bailey Kingdom Fashion, Kingdom Architecture. faith trumps logics

The Trott Bailey Family Kingdoms are wonderful places on Earth where countries are reimagined and transformed into heaven on earth. Cultural Nuances is a part of our series that will shed light on all the quims, quirks and little minute details about the running of our beautiful Kingdoms across the world. Faith Trumps Logics