Should I bag a rich man to live a better life?
TBU all I ever hear is that I should bag a rich guy to live a better life
. How do I as a young lady build my own wealth?
. Baby girl you have to marry a guy for two reasons, The main reason is that you love him and the other is that he has potential.
Now making money is easy and you can make a lot on your own for example instead of flossing with a car, you buy some real estate, and not just local real estate either, internationally too
. Did you know that South Korea has extremely cheap real estate?
Start your business and always have the attitude of whatever I put my hand to do, it will multiply!
But let us tell you a secret, a single lifestyle will never be able to outdo the power of a united couple
. It’s the age old principle of one chases 1000 but two chases 10,000.