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Enjoying a Turkish Durum in Trabzon Turkey

The Republic of Turkey – Open for Business

Contributed by Kimroy and Sherika Trott-Bailey.“Merhaba!, awhhhhh maşallah Cok Guzel!” coos several senior Turkish women as they kiss and hold the hands of our one year old daughter Keilah Trott-Bailey. This baby doting is a daily occurrence for us here in Turkey as we traverse the streets among the locals. The coos are...


Step by Step Solar Installation Training

In this episode of Step by Step Solar made possible by the Trot Bailey University, Kimroy Bailey provides a comprehensive guide on how to install solar panels on a rooftop for beginners. Follow along, this video covers all the steps taken to install 12 solar panels on your rooftop. The...


Solar Installer Customer Consultation

Solar power is still a pretty new concept to many people. A potential customer will have many questions so you should be prepared to confidently answer all their questions. A good first impression during a consultation could be the difference between you getting the job over a competitor. So here...


3 Beginner Solar Installer Checklist Items

There are 3 solar beginner checklist items that ALL solar installers must have in place especially for a small solar starter installer. Proper training to increase your efficiency, proper tools to help you get the job done fast, and a reliable team member to support you during the installation. Grid-tie Vs...


How to Find Solar Customers

It sometimes feel like a mystery to to find solar customers. Many of our marketing strategies failed but two has skyrocketed our revenue. In this article I will share the two strategies that has been working like a charm for the past 4 years. It helped to get our first...


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