How does a Grid-Tie System Agreement with the Power Company Works
How a Grid-tie energy system works is that it uses the grid to store the energy. Your home must be able to produce more that you need in the day time and the excess that is produced is sold to the power company. That excess is sold at a rate of US $1 / kW for example. When you purchase back from the grid at night you may be required to pay up to 4 times as much US 4/kW. The grid company will claim that it incurs a lot of expenses to offer you this service and that accounts for the price difference for purchasing solar power from you for $1 and selling back the same quantity of the same commodity for a whopping $4 when you need it. Expenses such as grid maintenance, power losses on the utility line, exchange rate, cost of oil, utility staffing are frequent reasons cited by utilities for why they charge more when selling vs when purchasing. Anyway, this ‘headache’ can be avoided by going fully solar with an Off-Grid system or maybe you have an awesome Grid Company that will not hit you with the standard BS!
In conclusion, without beating around the bust, Off Grid is better! Yes, I said it. The Kimroy Bailey Group has sold over 160 million residential solar panel systems globally and has installed more than 70 million of those systems with globally trained staff using the Step by Step Solar Panel Installation Training Course by the Trott Bailey University. In short, we have been in every nook and cranny of the world and Off-Grid solar definitely has less headache, no utility engagement, no grid contracts, no BS!