The Trott Bailey family has come up with a game concept that they want built out. Hence we are having a Game Development Talent Competition. The game is called Issues of Life: Beat the Curses. We are launching a hiring competition that will select the three versions of the game from entries. The game will be launched and played by the public and voted on. The best game developers will be chosen as the lead team for our Agri-Games development squad. The Runners Ups are also in the consideration pool for hiring, depending on the quality level exhibited by the overall entries.

The Game details for Level 1 and its challenges are explained below: Everything else is left up to interpretation.

Game Development Talent Competition/Hiring Competition

Game Development Talent competition

You are born and you need to defeat various curses and villains along the way while navigating the maze of life.


The ultimate aim of the game is to create a life plan. Your life plan will be depicted to you at the end of the game. You are being chased by a herd of evil bitches at each level. You must navigate your way through various challenges to gain weapons.

Issues of Life: Beat The Curses

Scene 1

The player goes to an open field filled with scrawny cows. Has to use a Lasso to catch the scrawny cows. Has to plow and grow seeds into fruits while beating off the villains: Bad Parents, jealous Aunties/Uncles, Liar Cousins and Witchcraft Grandpa


  1. Catch  wild scrawny cows and fatten them up
  2. Feed Scrawny cows to tame them and keep them in your field or they will run away. Once they are tamed they will stay
  3. Fatten cow help to plow your fields and defend you in the final attack by Witchcraft Grandpa
  4. The more your cows are fed and the more they plow your field the stronger they become
  5. Find seeds and Grow various Fruits in the field using seeds of life. Seeds that glow will bear glowing fruits which are special. Whenever the fruits glow, these are rare energy boosters that will help to defeat the final enemy who is “ Witchcraft Grandpa”
  6. Trade food with The Trader for special weapons and defense tools
  7. Prepare for the final attack


Mangoes: Cows love it

Avacado: Cows love it

Watermelon seeds: Grows the fastest

Tamarind Trees: Shoot it into all enemies’ mouth to shut them up for 30 seconds

Jackfruits: Emits strong odor that keeps discouragers away

Passion Fruit: grows strong vines that can trap various enemies for various amounts of time

Whenever the fruits glow, these are rare energy boosters that will help to defeat the final enemy who is “ Witchcraft Grandpa”

Enemies: Description

  • Bad parents- shoot “ arrow words” into your field to destroy it, shoot your cows, shoot at you
  • Jealous Aunt/Uncles: creeps underground to destroy the field
  • Liar Cousins- Tells lies and makes up stories to steal your fruits or borrow money. Frequently comes around after you have traded or harvested your fruits. Never attacks directly. Collude with other enemies to attack
  • Discouragers: Uses mouth to spew discouraging slime & muck & maggots into your field. Wants to sap your energy

Enemies’ Weakness:

  1. Bad Parents: hate when they are exposed to their neighbors. Call the neighbors over to question them.

“Does X player have an inheritance?” are you two married? Do you love your child?

  • Jealous Aunties & Uncles: Show them the truth mirror
  • Liar Cousins- Block cards, giving them work to do, bitch slaps,
  • Discouragers- the more fields you plow and grow, the weaker the discouragers get

Game character: The Trader:

The trader swaps special tools and objects for food:

these objects are:

  • Ear plugs- protect you temporarily from discourager’s words
  • Words of life fertilizer- grows fruits faster
  • Tracker fowls- clucks wildly to warn you of incoming discouragers and jealous aunties/uncles
  • Pecker Fowls- pecks at Jealous Aunties and Uncles creeping into your fields from underground
  • Block Cards- Blocks the enemies
  • Truth Mirrors- fight against evil makeup bitches and Jealous Aunties & Uncles
  • Dissolver gun- fight against evil makeup bitches ( enemy at another level)

Entry Details are to be added in 3 days. You can return here for the entry link and added details.

This is only a guide, you can create your own look for the characters and style of play for the game. Let us see what you got for this Game Development Talent Competition!

Check out more from The Trott Bailey Family Here

    Enter Trott Bailey FamilyGame Development Competition