An hour later, Juanita was laughing at more of Salvano’s prison stories from South Korea. The dawn was just barely breaking through as the sun slowly made its way up through the sea’s horizon. Everything was quiet except for the sound of a few crickets chirping. She had learned a lot about scams in different parts of the world

Salvano you are kidding, right? What? I just can’t believe it!” Juanita was saying.

Babes I’m telling you it was his third time in prison and each time it was for three years. He said it was his career!”

“Oh my God. So he willfully wanted to be arrested?

Yes, ’cause it’s nice in the prison. He said they get something called ‘Prison Allowance’ and he realized that he was making more money as a prisoner than when he was a dental assistant. He could even send his mother money from prison.” Salvano told the story of a guy who loved going to jail in South Korea.

” How do you know all these stories again?” Juanita questioned.

You remember I told you about the lifeguard I met, who got residency after his two months in jail….and he captured a house?” Salvano.

Yeah,” Juanita answered.

He told me all these prison stories from guys he had met,” Salvano explained.

Prison Stories. Scams in different parts of the world

Prison Stories: Scams in different parts of the world

Continuing his juicy storytelling, Salvano recounted another jail story:

So my lifeguard friend said, one time when he was coming back on the bus from court, there was this Korean guy next to him crying his eyes out. So my friend leaned over to pat him on the shoulder…you know…to ask him what’s happened and to comfort him.

Salvano paused to wrap the blanket tighter around their bodies. He then continued saying,

You know, he thought this guy must have gotten a long jail sentence or something… so the guy started telling him his story. Turns out he was crying cause the judge had reduced his sentence from 3 years to 6 months of community service. The guy was devastated because he had worked so hard for his three-year sentence in jail!“🤣🤣🤣

Oh my God! Oh, the injustice! and community service at that!” Juanita mocked and laughed.

You see babes, they see prison as a great way to get street cred and popularity on FameChase. It’s a social site to see the most daring things you would do for fame. Even their girlfriends and family members support them. They get to write letters to each other the old-fashioned way, get to touch hands through the glass window while they are on their ten-minute phone call and when they get out they can always brag about their time in prison. It’s like a trend for proving manliness” Salvano explained.

So they don’t care about being caged for three to five years of their lives ?” Juanita pressed, the last sliver of skepticism prodding her to ask.

No, cause their family sends them money to their prison accounts so they can buy snacks, plus the prison gives out three meals, servings of fruits and peanuts and snacks. And you get to watch TV and go outside twice per week for exercise. Plus they make friends, and trade stories all day since it’s eight men in a room.”

Ohh…what else is on the buffet?” Juanita quipped.

Ahhh…buffet? Ohhhh Yeah, I get you!.. my friend said they even had a Taekwondo expert come around every now and again to teach lessons. Plus you can get a prison job like doing laundry or in the kitchen. They pay fairly well, so you can save up money for when you get out. So the guys don’t feel hopeless you know.” Salvano revealed.

You would think it’s just the younger guys that do it, but no…my friend said even the old men commit petty crimes in the wintertime so they can go chill in prison,” Salvano said.

Plus South Korea has a peaceful and orderly culture, it’s not like some Latin American prison where gangs feud inside the prison while officers turn a blind eye” Salvano answered.

Wow, these stories are just amazing,” Juanita said

Yep, they come for the free health care, free medicines, even free dentures. One of the stories my friend told me was about two old guys who killed their neighbor’s dog. When the police came they didn’t really want to arrest them, but they pleaded and said that the neighbor was blind and by killing his dog they had done a grave thing.” Salvano shared.

What? Oh my God.” Juanita said cracking up again.

So they killed Sparky so they could go to prison.”

Yep!” answered Salvano

Juanita couldn’t help herself, she chuckled as the imagery of the two men probably poisoning the dog and immediately confessing visually flashed through her mind.

To me, that’s one of the best indicators of how a country is doing. When even prison is nice and bearable with decency.” Juanita said

Hold on I just remembered someone. Let me call my friend Park Jun, he spent three years in prison, he can tell you more.” Salvano said excitedly.

Getting up, he extricated himself from the warm cacoon of their fleece blanket and scurried inside their hotel suite to get his phone.

Five minutes later, after Salvano had detoured to pee, he was on the phone with Park Jun.

Salvano, man it’s good to hear from you. Did you get my gift for your wedding?” Park Jun asked excitedly.

“Jun, yes thanks man,” Salvano replied

So how is America treating you?” Salvano made small talk

My American name here is Mike. I miss Korea sometimes and sometimes I don’t. The women here are too much…so tiring!” Jun complained.

” Jun, are you looking to settle down finally?” Salvano asked.

I don’t know Sal. I just don’t know. With my line of business, she would have to be a special kind of woman.”

Have you gone back into the old business?” Salvano questioned.

You mean the soft porn? Nah I’m not directing that shit anymore. Too many problems: girls with their weird periods, guys with their dick problems! I can’t bother! I’m tired of always having to order Stop the Wiggles Spray for the actors.” Jun lamented.

So you are doing the other thing?” Salvano questioned

Sal my friend, my prison vacation business is booming here. A lot of people hate their meaningless lives and jobs in this country. So when I tell them about the prison vacation they get really interested. I just had two customers this month pay me for a 5-year stint in a UK prison and another for 7 years in a Korean prison, he wanted to go to the section for international convicts so I charged him 35k to have it all set up.” Park Jun recounted to Salvano.

Jun, I’ve been telling Juanita about some of your prison stories but she is still skeptical. Can you explain your business to her?” Salvano asked, getting down to the meat of the matter.

Yeah sure, What does she want to know?” Jun asked.

Just tell her about your reason for going to jail. I’m gonna put you on speaker” Salvano suggested.

Park Jun was more than happy to share his Prison Ring stories. He quickly greeted Juanita and began his story:

Juanita hey!”

Hi, Park Jun.”

I went to jail cause I falsified a crime so that I could go to jail. I wanted a jail experience for myself so I could really connect with my customers. Get the first-hand experience you know. But it’s illegal to falsify a crime, so I ended up in jail again. Ironic isn’t it!” Jun summarized.

So why do people do it though?” Juanita questioned curiously.

Well Juanita it’s simple, just do the math. You spend 35 thousand for 7 years, room and board, free meals, and excellent medical care and you get to slow down and actually make friendships. Things you can no longer do on the outside.” Jun explained.

Oh my, I see,” Juanita replied, thinking how lifeless life has become for people to where even prison is appealing.

So, how do you guys do it, or to put it more correctly what are your services?

Well, we have a selection of the best prisons around. We offer counseling to match your needs. We also devise or create evidence of your ” crime”, we have investigators that we work with to create evidence. We can even manage your social media on your behalf…you know updates from prison….deep quotes, tips etc.”

Wow. I’ve learned so much just out of these stories and talking to you and Salvano.”Juanita replied

I know right? In one country, prison is a filthy nightmare while in another it’s a holiday.” Salvano interjected. By now Jun was on Speaker.

Ok, Jun that’s all I needed,” Salvano said wanting to end the conversation before Jun really got started. ‘The guy can sure talk,” Salvano thought.

No sooner had Jun’s chatty ways flashed through Salvano’s mind, than Salvano heard him telling Juanita about one of his clients.

So I had a client that worked at Samsung as a Supervisor. His apartment was as tiny as his current cell. İ mean kitchen bathroom living hall and all. Now he’s enjoying prison. He has about a year left and is fretting about getting out…” Jun was saying,

Hey, Jun, Juanita and I are feeling horny. We got to go, dude…” Salvano interrupted.

Oh, dude…oh…oh ..ahh yeah..okay. Do your thang lovebirds..” Jun said.

” Bye Jun.”

Bye Salvano.”

” Salvano!” Juanita exclaimed…slapping Salvano on his shoulders

What?” Salvano said shrugging his shoulders.

Why did you say that!” Juanita said crossly

İf I didn’t do something drastic he would never stop talking,” Salvano said leaning in to kiss her annoyed face.

Rolling her eyes, Juanita replied,

“I am actually horny by the way…’

Giving her a side-eyed glance and a sexy smile. Salvano slowly got up and shifted Juanita in his arms to bridal style.

So if we ever go to prison…let’s do it in South Korea.” Juanita concluded too.

That’s what you concluded after all that,” Salvano asked incredulously, looking down at her in his brawny arms. Peaking out from their shared blanket, Juanita nodded an enthusiastic yes.

After the two had slept out the morning, they arose at midday. They spent the rest of their day playing volleyball and chilling under a tree.

Watch Trott Bailey Family Travels in South Korea on our Oasis Videos Platform

Read Sher’s other online novel Katya & Zolokhan