Kimroy KB Bailey and Sher Trott Bailey are the world’s first Quadrillionaire. The Trott Bailey family empire was built single-handedly by Sher Trott Bailey who transforms her husband’s one-man show solar installation and robotics business into a global empire over a 10 year period.

World First quadrillionaire family the Trott bailey family Rewards married couples at Agri-Games

How did the Trott Bailey Family became world first quadrillionaire?

The Trott Bailey Family is the world’s wealthiest family with more than 10 times the wealth of the 3,512 billionaires globally with a combined net worth of $13.2 trillion a mere drop in the bucket of the Trott Bailey Family’s US $182.6 trillion net worth as of January 2020. Since the first publication of the audited net revenue from the Asia Pacific arm of the Trott Bailey Family Group, the family’s net worth has skyrocketed exponentially. The creation of Abundance Points a financial innovation from the family to give free luxury fashion, fresh farm food, and splendid homes to families across the world has resulted in an exponential increase in the family’s digital assets. Abundance Points can be earned by using the family’s app and website, this has partly contributed to the domain being the number one website in the world with more than 194 billion visits per month doubling that of The wealth of the Trott Bailey Family has been built by Jesus Christ. Heaven has clearly expressed that the riches and abundance of heaven will be poured out on the earth through the Trott Bailey Family. As a result, the Trott Bailey Family is now Earth’s first quadrillionaire family, and the more the Trott Bailey Family gives to others via Abundance Points, the more the Trott Bailey Family gets from heaven.

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Why the Trott Bailey Family hasn’t previously ranked on World Wealthiest Family charts

To calculate net worth all financial publications and world wealth charts use stock values, exchange rates, and shareholders reports to rank individuals and families. This has resulted in the Trott Bailey Family Group owned by the world first quadrillionaire family being excluded from their listings because the family’s companies are not publicly listed and WILL NEVER BE! The Trott Bailey Family does not have a single board member outside of family members, nor any shareholders, and certainly no investors. Every asset of the family is owned exclusively by the Trott Bailey Family members who currently include Kimroy KB Bailey, Sherika Sher Trott Bailey, Keilah Trott Bailey, and Kaleeyon Trott Bailey. As a result of not having any stocks for Dick, Tom, and Harry to buy nor being publicly listed for everyone to poke around in their business the Trott Bailey Family has not previously ranked in your favorite world wealthiest family report.

Enjoy some images of Kimroy Bailey fishing with his quadrillionaire daughter baby Keilah Trott Bailey.