It’s a question that many people would be interested in knowing the answer to “Does the multibillionaires of the Trott Bailey Family ever find themselves feeling guilty about being wealthy?” as we continue this spate of blog series on the Mindset of a Multi-Billionaire. To answer this question we welcome The Trott-Bailey Family’s ever-refreshing perspectives.

Interviewer: We are on the topic of Feeling Guilty About Being Wealthy, Mrs. Bailey Do you ever feel guilty about being wealthy?

Sher: “There are moments when I am watching something on YouTube or reading some YouTube comments on a video of say, someone who is wealthy, and I see the shallow comments from others stating that the person is spoiled or them having everything handed to them, or someone is sharing some sad story about their life for e.g. how much the person spent on their handbag could pay their rent or the classic guilt tactic of ‘it could feed the kids in Africa’ -it’s brainless comments like this which are steeped in envy that keeps me from any passing thoughts of guilt.

Then I run it by my best friend Jesus, “I’m like, So what do you say Jeezy? And he’s like,

“Sher, Heaven ain’t broke, if they want wealth let them come and ask me for it….but you see for yourself….they would rather leave salty comments on YouTube than believe me for wealth. Don’t pay them any mind and don’t get out of your peace over it. Do you want me to zap them for you, let’s have some fun…or let me slap a few on their lips?
And I’m like, “Lord, please don’t…” while laughing my belly out cause Jesus is so funny!


“No I don’t feel guilty and no one can play that mind game on our family, I do not apologize for being wealthy. Neither do we apologize for passing on massive amounts of wealth to our children and their children. Why should we?” a smiling Mrs. Trott-Bailey replies.


Interviewer: What if someone were to say to your daughter, Keilah, that everything was handed to her?

Keilah Trott Bailey is a multi billionaire baby who does not have a tid bit of feeling guilty about being wealthy

” Then I would tell Keilah that, that persons’ definition of “everything being handed” is very narrow because they mainly mean money and money is the least important of Keilah’s inheritance. I would tell my daughter that although your Dad and I can hand over money to you we cannot give you your natural intelligence, your aptitude for learning, your wisdom, your resilience, and your independent spirit.

I would conclude by telling her that if she makes even just one dollar extra on 1 billion dollars, she would have outdone me and her daddy because it’s harder to do that than moving from $0 to 1,000,000,000.” When you are in the billions like we are there are a million reasons to go down but when you are at $0 you can only go up!

Interviewer: Well some might say it’s better to be self-made?

Sher: “The some who say so, usually just want their egos rubbed. There is no competition between who inherits and who made it up from the bottom. Keilah’s dad, Kimroy Bailey and I built the Kimroy Bailey Group from nothing to now a multi-billion dollar and the world’s #1 Renewable Energy and Robotics Company. We are not in a self-made vs wealth inheritance competition because When we started 7 years ago there was no such thing as Renewable Robotics, we have seamlessly integrated Renewable Energy with Robotics and Automation, manufacture in 24 countries and ship from Istanbul and Hong Kong to 124 countries worldwide. There are those who inherit and squander their money and there are those who make it up from the bottom and squander their money. Rather, I want to teach my daughter that she is in the league of me and her father- those who could lose it all and make it back and also still live a wonderful life without all of it. Trust me, there are so many spots in the world where you can live great with only US$1,000 per year! Feeling Guilty About Being Wealthy? There’s no need we can make it rich or not! 

Mrs. Sherika Trott Bailey and Baby Keilah Trott Bailey. Multi billionaires share their view on Feeling guilty about being wealthy

Interviewer: How do you define luxury?

“The majority of the world sees luxury being depicted to them on T.V for e.g as living in a Pent House suite in New York or a villa or two in Paris. Kimroy and I use to think this way too, we were like ‘yeah when we get rich that’s exactly how we want to live too!’

But now we have a different outlook, what’s so luxurious about no land under your feet, no fresh air in your lungs in a high rise building and being surrounded in a fake bubble and going to stiff, boring cocktail parties.
Then you look at luxury fashion for example which is being made in the same factories as no-name brands- no difference in fabric quality or craftsmanship!

Things that are luxurious to me are things like picking fruit fresh from the tree, enjoying the freshest air, having space for the family to roam, freedom to do as you please and having a clear and uncluttered mind. The love, trust, and unity between my husband and me are luxuries. My sweet little baby girl stringing her sentences together and expressing herself and the sweet feeling it brings in my heart is luxury to me. The peace in our family is priceless.”

Interviewer: Well thank you Mrs. Trott-Bailey for your definitely strong thoughts and candid discussions.

“Your very welcome!”

Well, you heard it here first from the lips of Mrs. Sherika Trott-Bailey, stay tuned for more in the series the Mindset of a Multi-Billionaire.