Sher Trott Bailey unwinds with her daughters Keilah and Kaleeyon Trott Bailey while Daddy K.B. looks on. Mommy and daughters are playing in Brazil using the kid’s playroom at SESC. In the state of São Paulo, Sesc has a network of 43 operational units – centers dedicated to culture, sport, health and nutrition, child and youth development, senior citizens, social tourism and other areas of activity.

KB and Sher are aware of how crucial the early years are in their children’s lives. Hence the most important mission of all is, “Spending time with our kids” Hence spending time with the kids while being stripped down of all major distractions is important to them. Mommy and daughters Playing with blocks and cleaning up with a song.

Watch more Mommy & Daughters Playing on Oasis

You can also read the best novel for free right here: Katya & Zolokhan and Juanita’s VictoriesKeilah and Kaleeyon love their world schooling experiences and their Mommy & Daughter playing activities.

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Sher and Keilah play table tennis to unwind. World greatest fashion designer taking a break. Mom and daughter playing Table tennis Together during mommy and daughter playing time

Trott Bailey World Schooling Explained

World Schooling is the process by which a child is taught by immersing them in real-world experiences with real-world examples while being surrounded and taught by their parents. The child gets to apply these principles effortlessly in a natural, unforced way.

Choosing important skills and knowledge that the family deems important to teach their children and seeking out locations across the world where these skills can be taught. These encompass areas of knowledge of the sea, cultures, languages, countries, people dynamics, cuisine, leisure activities, arts, music, and much more.

Oasis Video & Games Hub by The Trott Bailey Family is a multi-generational family media that records and shares family memories. Our platform promises to deliver wonderful and dynamic life videos, original games, hosts live events. Another important agenda of Oasis is to be streamed worldwide for free to everyone without the need for viewers to have a data plan or Wi-Fi connection. Oasis will always be here to preserve the Trott Bailey Family legacy and to entertain the entire world.