Church life is such a big part of people’s lives and such a derailing thing due to wishy-washy, ‘struggle Christianity’ teachings from years of silly traditions, that we the Trott Bailey Family will take some time to address it.

Stop Weighing People Down!

The words of Jesus to the Pharisees, “You travel to the ends of the Earth to get one convert and end up making them twice as much worse off than they were before, laying on burdens that you yourselves don’t even carry with your pinky finger’s” are very relevant today.  Every new Christian who has had a true experience with God can remember how light and joyous they felt at first. Yet by the time the church veterans are done bible studying, church-attending, mission working, prayer warriors your ass, your as weighed down as a bolder at the bottom of an ocean. They have fucked up a beautiful thing and turned you into a follower of Struggle Christianity.

The principles of today’s church and that of the world are opposite to God’s principles.

Now, the principles of today’s church and that of the world are opposite to God’s principles. The church system pretends like it’s on God’s side but in reality, it follows the trends of the world. The church is slow in adopting the world’s trends but eventually, it does. Hence the World and The Church are two peas in a pod.

Now you have churches with Boards of Directors, Pastors calling themselves C.E.Os, Female Pastors heavily made up and contoured like any Glamazon, Pastors backtracking on same-sex unions, church members filled with unbelief and fear etc.

You see the major issue is that the church members are not acting as the Leaders that they should be. Instead, they act as a follower, and they are not following the voice of God. For example, what does God have to say about beauty versus how the world depicts beauty? What does God say about sickness and diseases versus what the world says about sickness? Who’s report/ perspective will you believe? The Doctors’ report or God’s report?

For example, I had a fucking cough the other day and

I asked God how come I’m sick. I’m not supposed to be sick.

He said “Who said your sick?”

I said ‘what do you mean I’m not sick, a cough means you’re sick.

He said, ” Your cough is a sign of your good health, do you know how effective a cough is for your abs, liver and lungs? For everybody else, a cough is a sickness but for you who believe in me it’s a sign of an ever-thriving and improving body. These are the benefits of trusting and believing in God, the benefits of taking God as your father, protector, provider for your everything.

The news perspective or God’s perspective? Your friends’ standpoint or God’s standpoint? Your Mother’s viewpoint or God’s viewpoint? The Scientists’ viewpoint or God’s viewpoint? The Struggle Christianity Pastor’s words or God’s words.

Your actions don’t reflect it:

Even if you answer us and say God’s viewpoint trumps everyone else’s, and you’re not a struggling Christian, your actions don’t reflect it. For example, Our family could give two fucks about Carona Virus…we don’t believe it. We don’t wear masks and if you ever catch us wearing them it’s because we’re not in the mood to cause a scene on the bus or in some public area where some Carona virus-believing nutcase will try to overstep their boundary with us. So for the sake of peace and for the peace of that of the other fear-filled fuckers on the bus we will don a mask on the Korean bus.

Otherwise the rest of the time we walk around inhaling the fresh air of the volcanic mountains of Jeju İsland, South Korea. Simple common sense reasoning will make you realize the silliness of masks, you don’t even need faith. Anyway back to individual members who make up the Church.

The church is the people NOT the building!

Remember the church is the people, the individual believers who profess that they believe in God are what make the church. It’s not the physical building that is the church. Now 99.9 percent of the people in the church don’t truly believe what they say they believe. 99.9 percent don’t really believe God is involved in their lives or that God is truly a real person. This can clearly be seen in the dramatic difference in attitude on the days they gather together such as a Sunday or Saturday versus their attitude the rest of the week.

Now don’t be appalled by the statistics because God is not, and God is not interested in numbers like how a Pastor is. It’s the Pastor’s boast and that of the disciples that they converted hundreds of thousands of millions of people to Christianity. This is a human way of thinking.

God in his own words cares about the quality of the converted person, the relationship and friendship between him and the person. Why? Because just one person who truly believes, who truly listens and chats back to God as a friend, can easily blow the minds of every person on Earth without even trying. Everything is easy for the believer and friend of Jesus.

Rewarding the Loser

Now back to the Church and the World being opposite to God’s ways. It’s always clearer when we use examples so here we go. The principle of heaven is straightforward when it comes to rewards. The guy who uses his gifts/resources and multiplies them and diversifies it, he or she gets more increases and blessings from heaven. It’s the parable of the guy who increased his five “talents” to ten. He got rewarded with even more. While the guy who buried his one talent out of fear, got his one talent taken away.

However, in today’s church, the person with the biggest pity/gory story gets rewarded.

Today’s church

Contrary to Heaven, It’s the guy who has the biggest pity, struggle, or loser story that gets help or rewarded by the Church and the world. When you observe the state of the church and the world everyone wants to help the strugglers but ignore those who are striving to enjoy an abundant life.

For example, Political leaders are no different as they are followers/ass-kissers to the masses. Hence they believe that those who have used their resources to multiply and increase their comforts, they should be taxed even more. This is the world’s way of thinking. Crazy! Flip Back to the church and you will see the same attitude.

Who has the worst pity story?

This type of mentality rewards losers, wasters, and desperation. What fruits can come from this type of thinking? The rotten fruit that it has born is that everyone now wants to have the worst pity stories. Contrarily, if you are successful you need to be hush-hush about it because you’re the first in line for the taxman, the first to be guilted, the last to be assisted.

With this type of attitude in the world, who would want to be wealthy? You’re the bad guy because you have plenty? You’re the spoiled kid because your parents can buy you a car? You’re a bad mom because you can afford a maid? Laughable!

Single mothers are the poster child for womanhood! Laughable

The more pitiful or gory my story, the more fame I can get. The poorer I am the more help I can get. That’s why nowadays some single mother with three kids is the poster child for womanhood. The world’s attitude is that the married woman has help so fuck her. It’s the struggling, overworked mother that we should all admire and rally behind. Look at this fuckery. Why the fuck didn’t you stop at baby number 1 when you realized no father wanted to stick around. Yet it’s you all the “mother” songs glorify. The single mother herself doesn’t want to be single, even if she says so to your face. It’s not a desirable situation. It’s not something to glorify.

Who helps who?

What happens if this attitude is allowed to continue? What happens when everyone is struggling? Who helps who? One thing we the Trott-Bailey’s can tell you is that as believers in Jesus Christ we aren’t following the stupidity preached from the pulpits. Nor are we going to be conned by bums.

Praying out your throat hole:

God has already told you that you don’t know what to pray for. So stop the fucking praying. İt’s time to get mature in Christ. Stop carrying people’s burdens and the “I’m standing in the gap” bullshit. What the fuck is Jesus for? Busy praying for this one and that one, and this sister and that brother….while your own life is dead.

Get up and live by faith.

Close the church doors and go live some life, Dare God to do something BIG

Please, fucking close the church doors and go live some life. Nothing worse than you fucking lukewarm fuckers. Why don’t you pick a side… you either don’t believe or believe. You either believe that God is a real person with his own personality and viewpoints or you believe he doesn’t exist. No airy fairy in between fuckery about the universe. You either believe that no sickness can happen to you under God’s protection or not. You either believe that God will provide all your needs or not. No in-between!

Stop stressing over Satan fuckery! Jesus already won the battle!

1 Drop by Trillionaire Trott Bailey Family Not today Satan! gifs

Burn the fucking Christian warfare books and the “binding and loosing bullshit”. Our family stopped that shit a long time ago when God told us to stop it. Who is Satan that you should pay him any attention and be walking around in fear of any of his tricks? Jesus has already told you that you are seated far above and beyond the tricks of the Devil. So mature past ” spiritual warfare.” It upsets heaven! What the fuck is Jesus for?

Loud Prayer Competition!

What’s the point of hawking out your throat holes in long prayers? What the louder and stronger you pray the more effective it is? Nope. Stop praying. Instead, Listen to the Holy Spirit and exercise some faith. For example, You have churches who for years have been wanting something as simple and easy as a church bus and they still can’t get it.

God is not in that mix, you can be sure of that. Why not employ some faith and common sense? Some simple things like getting two goats and believing that they will multiply to a thousand goats, just like Jacob did back in the day in the bible story. Then sell some of the goats to buy the bus. Even that the Church can’t seem to grasp.  You believe in God’s power, don’t you? Exercise that professed belief into action.

God is not impressed.

1 Drop by Trillionaire Trott Bailey Family Not today Satan! gifs

What’s the point of life? The fucking point of life is Man with Woman in unity making a family. What the fuck are you doing pastor? You don’t love your wife so why the fuck are you preaching? Get the fuck off the pulpit and go rekindle love & life with your wife. Your so busy taking up people’s burdens, your heart goes out to everyone, always praying trying to sweat blood. Yet your fucking children hate your ass. God is not impressed.

Man, don’t the sacrificial fucks think they will be at the front of heaven’s line. Think again bitch. What the fuck is martyrdom? You’re going to die for Christ because he died for you? How does that make fucking sense? Meanwhile, Jesus is over on the beach sipping margaritas shaking his fucking head….his people are dropping like flies.

What did Jesus Die For?

Fuck that bleeding heart shit, feeling sorry for everyone, forgiving everybody shit that they want to curse every new Christian with. Nope Nope Nope. It’s time for living it up! It’s time for Authority. Head and not the tail. Leaders and not followers. That’s what Jesus died for. It’s time for grasping everything that Jesus’ death and resurrection were for. His death and resurrection mean the end of curses of poverty, hard work, bad health, stupidity, ugly need, etc, and the innumerable blessings that can never be counted. That’s what we want! That’s what makes God sweet! Good things make life with God sweet.

If you listen to the Pastor’s and believe in this suffering teaching that is so prevalent in the church, then Jesus’ friendship is not sweet. Jesus is tired of being seen as someone who only blesses you after years of fasting, hours and nights of praying, rolling around on the floor in the “spirit”, after days dedicated to bible study or being a part of this church group or church mission and that tithe giving bullshit that suffocates the church.

Talk your talk Jesus:

“What did I die for?” Our Lord and best Jesus friend asks you. Are my death and resurrection so meaningless that they barely caused any changes or shifts in your lives? That no one can tell the difference between you the believer and an unbeliever? That you’re no freer than when you became a believer but instead you have become even stiffer? More chained? You don’t dance to this music, you don’t watch this, you can’t go there, you can’t eat this, you can’t do that…Am I God so powerless that I can’t keep you from sin? Am I so powerless that I, God, the one who determines what is sin in the first place, can decide that I no longer care about that? Yes, that’s how you see me, right? You see me as a powerless fucker who never comes through for you when you want him to.

Am I a sleeping Dragon?

Am I a sleeping Dragon? Enough for you to swear on your bibles in a Courtroom but not powerful enough to get you out of jail?  Don’t I read hearts and know who is guilty from who is not? Nooooo…, I am far away right? The Earth is fucked and God has disappeared, right? Or I have left everything for humans to solve?

Am I out of touch so I don’t know what music is trending? I don’t understand science because I didn’t make the Earth? I don’t understand your so-called global warming because I didn’t make the Earth? I don’t understand STD’s because I never warned you that sexual sins cause harm to your own bodies.

Tell me, I don’t understand how oppressed and unhappy you feel at work, I’m never there with you every day waiting for you to talk to me? More importantly, I’m not there telling you to get the hot tea so you can belch and get rid of that uncomfortable gas in your gut.

Watermelon anyone?

When you feel constipated and I suggest in your mind that you buy a watermelon and eat that today, rather than the chicken and rice, and when you do your ass is blowing chunks later on in the night, and your body feels good, nice and light, no no that’s not me! Yes, it is me, I do care about things like that. So much unhappiness, crankiness,  comes from you being constipated. Often you think it’s a complicated solution to your headaches and belly problems when all you need is a good shit.

I am involved in every aspect of your life 😉😋😊

Jesus speaks 4 After I retired from saving the world you know after the crucifixion thing, I really like to chill, I am really about having alot of fun. Struggle Christianity is over and done once and for all.

I am involved in every aspect of your life and my only aim is to bring you good all day every day. To give you the desires of your heart, desires you never even knew you had buried deep down. Desires for love in your marriages, beautiful smart children, peace of mind, exciting experiences, wealth and happiness, delicious foods, etc.

Yet so many of you don’t even desire good for yourselves. Yet you want to blame me God for your problems. I can only grant your desires, and sometimes when I don’t give you something you think you really want it’s for your good. You think you really want that job, ‘oh if only i could get that job!’ If you only knew the world of wickedness and plots that are waiting for you if you took that job.

Do you know how many people love being poor?

Do you know how many people love being poor? Who loves the pity they get at church? Who loves the one-on-one session they get with the pastor? Who loves when the congregation members walk up to them and pat them on the back?… Who loves the donations they get? Yep, poor by choice bitch, that’s their motto. It’s not a lack of formal education or in most cases formal education or bad circumstances that cause poverty, no they just love being the poor. Their mentality is that no one ever asks us for help cause they know we are poor but we are always receiving help. And as a Christian, you should take up these people’s burdens on your head? On your broad shoulders? What the fuck is Jesus for then? He couldn’t help them so I must help them? Even Jesus doesn’t bother with poor people who love being poor. Remember he can read their hearts better than you can. Jesus is like ” Ain’t nobody got time for that” while he and his white horse bump fist to hoof, relaxing under a tree eating an Italian pizza.

Just because the first disciples wanted to pursue martyrdom, because in their fucking heads that was the highest way to go, doesn’t mean we want to or that Jesus wants you to. They, the disciples, never gave God a chance to exercise his amazing abundance. They, the disciples, all just wanted to die as martyrs, so they got their wish.

Life with Jesus is about being excellent in everything

Life with Jesus is about being excellent in everything you want to do and discovering things you never even know you could do. Life with Jesus is not about Struggle Christianity! God doesn’t need your sacrifice. You have more influence over people when you’re living a wonderful, exciting, pioneering life. This is what Jesus wants from you. Not your orphanages, prayer conferences, church meetings, crusades, charities, etc.

The church gatherings where people meet up is gross, just gross. İt’s filled with man-made traditions, competition, strife, etc. The church is big, the people are distant, the smiles are false and the real matters are not discussed. Most importantly church leaders and members are not listening to God- instead, you’re boxing him in. God can’t do this, God do that, God would never say that, etc. Christians can’t do this, can’t do that. The moment you say God can’t you have already gone the wrong way.

The Bible is just a snapshot of testimonies!

The Bible which is just a snapshot of testimonies of past believers and how they related to God is just that……. a fucking snapshot. İt’s not the be-all and end-all of God. As though this book called the Bible could contain God and all of his greatness. The gifts of the Spirit listed by Paul are just a few that Paul received insight on. These gifts are used in Struggle Chirsitianity teachings to make it seem like only these gifts exist. They are not a complete list, there are millions more gifts of the Holy spirit not listed. There is no end to God, no end to what You the individual can become under the care of God your Father, of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Start Talking to God in real time! This is a Gift that is available, seek it out if you desire it.

You have to be talking to God in real-time and not referring to the Bible, which is just other people’s stories. David’s story is for David. Esther’s story is for Esther. Moses’ story is for Moses. Yes, they can inspire, yes they can give insights on how God works or thinks or feels but not to box yourself in or box God in. Your story is Your story. How you talk to God is your fucking business. Just know that if you’re talking with God and following his lead it’s a fucking exciting eye-opening life that you are leading. Struggle Christianity teaches that only pastor can talk to God and hold you hostage to the church building to hear what God has to say, that is a LIE! You can talk to God in real time.

So what?!?!

So what if you can only cuss when talking to God? What if you hear God the clearest when watching movies, or painting or walking or exercising, shooting some guns, hunting, swimming, writing a book, etc. The Holy Spirit is there to guide each individual believer in Jesus Christ through their daily lives, in a way, that is suited for their individual self.

Fuck guilt and Fuck self-condemnation!

Another important thing for a believer in Christ is to say fuck guilt and fuck self-condemnation. What the fuck is Jesus for? Self-condemnation is the core part of being Struggle Christianity. Dirty thoughts want to come into your head? Lustful feelings? Jealousy, Hate? Fuck it all and fuck the condemning feelings that want to tell you your no good. Fuck the thoughts that want to deflate, demotivate you. God does not care! God does not sin you! God sees and knows that you were born in sinful flesh/body, so until you die and get your new eternal body, shitty thoughts will try to come to your mind. Don’t indulge them but most importantly don’t for even one second indulge condemnation. Indulging the self-condemnation doesn’t make you more holy.

Now Enjoy life with a vengeance!

Jesus Speaks - Take the Trott Bailey Family for example, I've finally gottem them to see how many fun activities there are: sailing, island hopping, animal taming, deep diving, building new kingdoms, launching their own social media platforms and Mom and Dad having sex in the bushes.
Jesus Speaks – Take the Trott Bailey Family for example, I’ve finally gotten them to see how many fun activities there are: sailing, island hopping, animal taming, deep diving, building new kingdoms, launching their own social media platforms and Mom and Dad having sex in the bushes.

Enjoy life with a vengeance. Every good thing is for those following Christ Jesus. There is a verse in the song we love by Pat Benatar called “Invincible”. It goes,

” We can’t afford to be innocent..stand up and face the enemy we will be invincible!”.

Pat Benatar, “Invincible”

The principles of the world are opposite to God’s. Hence you cannot be all innocent- by this world’s standard and be following God. You will definitely come into conflict with the world and its people- once you’re listening to God. David ate the shewbread, stole Goliath’s sword, David pretended to be mad( which is not sinful but actually smart and crafty) and was going to kill Nabal which was justified due to his utter disrespect and ungratefulness. David stole another man’s wife and colluded to murder him ( which was not justified), God rebuked him for this but forgave him because David was sincerely repentant in his heart ( this does not mean God gave him permission for adultery), but his sin was forgiven because they had a genuine friendship, genuine relationship. By the world’s standard, he would be guilty and thrown out. I will even tell you this David could have done even greater things, he could have broken the curse of having many wives and stayed faithful to one woman. But David story is David’s story. David’s outcome is David’s outcome. If you are a sincere believer, your story is Your story.

Fuck this ever-changing world, Go live some life and Stop the Struggle Christianity

Jesus Speaks - And I have so many more plans, blessings and pure goodness ready for each member of th lovely Trott Bailey Family that they can't even now iagine. Stay tuned to see me show my power and abundance through them. No struggle Christianity for this family

But who cares? Fuck the world. Today it’s okay for a man to be fucking a man and no one can say anything about it, while a few years back it wasn’t so. So why care about a world that changes every two seconds? Fuck the world! This world is on a mission to get everyone to become like the other. Everyone is just bland and with no backbone or strong viewpoint. Fuck the world.

Before you know it there will be an agency for Beastiality. The premise of course will be that George is in love with his cow Cindy. Once you use the word “love” you can cloak all types of perversities. George can fuck the cow because they are in love. This is the world. And we are supposed to care about being right by their standards and court systems? God forbid!

Struggle Christianity here, struggle Christianity there, Struggle Christianity everywhere!

Why should a person bend to some judge who can be influenced or bought? Why should my natural rights be trampled on because some quack agency thinks animals are more important than humans? This is the shifting nature of the world. So fuck the world ( includes all unbelievers, news agencies, tv shows, influencers, opinion leaders, etc., politicians, judges,  theories, perspectives, trends, etc everything and everyone who makes up the world which is contrary to God.)