Kimroy Bailey Robotics 14 Greatest Accomplishments of 2014
2014 was a great year! Time truly flies. The year the Kimroy Bailey Foundation installed its first operational wind turbine at the 100% Renewable Community Center in Trelawny. The year Kimroy Bailey Robotics was born and positioned as the Caribbean’s leading robotics, product prototyping and small scale manufacturing company. Hmmm a number of milestones were reached and great accomplishments were achieved in 2014. It was hard to bottle all the experiences to filter down a top 14 but without further ado here are a 14 of the greatest accomplishments for the year that was, 2-0-1-4.

14 The Kimroy Bailey Foundation partnership with GeNNex
The Kimroy Bailey Foundation inked a BIG DEAL in 2014. The company joined forces with UK solar manufacturer GeNNex to bring low cost solar energy to the Jamaican population. Jamaica the land of sun, sand and sea. Beautiful sunrise and memorizing sunsets; sun left, sun right and sun center! The partnership with GeNNex will provide low cost solar lighting solution for the average Joe. Yes! From a farmer on a horse to the middle class on a budget will be able to afford these home lighting units. What’s even more interesting about the partnership is that the Kimroy Bailey Foundation will teach persons how to assemble these solar products right here in Jamaica. This is a stepping stone to ultimately undertake manufacturing of the items here on the island. I told you 2014 was an awesome year and the countdown has just started. Not that this deal did not worth the number one spot on the countdown, just that I am so eager to share the good news I decided to start here! 🙂 Work on the project will commence as early as January of this year, stay tuned for more info.

13 KB Robotics
2014 was the year Kimroy Bailey Robotics decided to stop innovating for a moment and start showcase a few of the innovations we have been innovating. The company kicked off its publicity campaign by staging a grand showcase of cutting edge Jamaican Technologies at the Planning Institute of Jamaican (PIOJ) Labour Market Forum. The booth featured a host of advance technologies including the companies dual extruder 3D printer; a snapshot of BaileyBionic: the company’s line of human-like robots and BaileyBotic: the company’s line of mobile robots. A number of students from various institutions were intrigued by the Kimroy Bailey Robotics display including students and teacher from the Ardenne High School. 2015 will be the year of much more outings for the company as we aim to inspire innovators the invent Jamaica’s way out of poverty by exporting aweome Jamaican made products and utilizing the Kimroy Bailey Robotics products and services every step of the way.

12 JPS Maggotty
Renewable Energy has been a big part of our year, the commissioning of the JPS Maggotty Plant on March 26 could not miss our countdown. We have had days when we just think JPS is out to sabotage us and then there are days when the invest millions into Renewables over US$36 million to be exact and we just have to be happy for such bold moves in this economic climate. The Jamaica Public Service Company added 7.2 MW of clean, green electricity to the national grid using the natural fall of the Black River. I had the great pleasure of touring the plant during the Jamaica Institution of Engineers annual Engineers Week 2014. The tour was very insightful and demonstrated that Renewable is RELIABLE! The facility now boasts two generation station, the projected created employment for up to 200 people at different stages of the development. Congrats JPS, you made our countdown!

11 Kimroy Bailey Robotics Laboratory expansion
Kimroy Bailey Robotics has had an eventful (inventful) year. We have been locked up in our lab, away from the world developing the program for BaileyBionic (more on that later in the countdown). The company has been formally operating for less than a year and has already out grown its lab space, a 12 feet by 12 feet room, what once was a dog house now a hub of innovation and second home for our 3 employees. In about September 2014 KB Robotics started expansion and a few months later we are now preparing to install new furniture and add equipment to expand our service offerings. The company provides a host of services to assist entrepreneurs to prototype or manufacture their innovations. KB Robotics also utilize interactive teaching tools to bring subjects such as Information Technology, Technical Drawing, Physics, Chemistry and Electrical Technology to life through hands on projects and machinery including our 3D Printer.
A few of the services Kimroy Bailey Robotics offered in 2014 and will be expanding in 2015 includes:

- The KB RoboKit for beginners interested in learner how to design, build and program robots
- Tours of the Kimroy Bailey Robotics Fabrication Laboratory in Trelawny
- Robotics showcase and demonstration at schools across the island
- Robotics evening, weekend, summer and part time classes
- Product Development Consultancy, Prototyping and Small Scale Manufacturing
- 3D Printing, CAD Modeling and Product design
2015 is the year you stop dream about that product that can make our lives a tid bit easire. Its not time you prototype your product and start making money from your idea. Feel free to Contact us here or call (876)834-5971 to consult with us or find out more about our product offerings.

10 Kimroy Bailey Robotics Smart House
2014 marked the year Kimroy Bailey Robotics consulted with its first government agency. The KB Robotics Smart House was the center piece at the 2014 staging of the Jamaica Renewable Energy Expo. The consulted with the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining and shared their booth space to demonstrated the automated home model at the Renewable Energy Expo. The model demonstrated a 100% Renewable energy powered home using solar and wind energy. The automated home can employed at any home, anywhere as long as our hardware are installed at the facility. This then enables your home to be controlled via a mobile app from any where in the world. The controls built by Kimroy Bailey Robotics team empower home owners to turn lights on, off; receive text message whenever any motion is detected in the various parts of the home and a host of other features. Minister Julian Robinson was at hand to witness a demonstration of the Smart House in action.

9 KB Robotics CXC Consultancy trip to Barbados
2014 was the year when the Kimroy Bailey Robotics Consultation portfolio expanded as the months fade. The Caribbean Examination Council engaged our service and join a distinguish panel commissioned to create a course called Green Engineering. This course is designed to introduce students to the world of sustainability and environmentally friendly engineering practices. The consultancy engagement took me to across Caribbean waters to beautiful Barbados where the panel had our first face-face session. I am not sure if this earned its space because I consulted with CXC or because my job took me to Barbados. Either way it has been a grand opportunity and a grand experience, just have to give God thanks for the countless blessings in 2014.

8 Working at Wigton
On the 6th day of January 2014 I started a new chapter of my professional growth when I commenced my job at the Wigton Windfarm as a Service Engineer. Wigton is the largest wind farm in the English speaking Caribbean. The company is home to 23 Neg Micon 900kW wind turbines and 9 Vestas 2MW wind turbine producing a rated capacity of about 40MW of clean green energy. Wigton produces enough energy to power over 20,000 Jamaican homes consuming 2,000W each. 2014 provided me with the grand chance of working with local and international experts in the wind industry a priceless opportunity that only Wigton can provide. This experience earned Wigton the #8 spot on our greatest accomplishments of 2014 countdown.

7 Talk Up Yout’ feature.
2014 was a year when we smiled for the camera a few times but my Talk Up Yout’ feature ‘tek di cake’. Balancing a full time job at the Wigton Windfarm and keeping working in excess of 40 hour/week to grow Kimroy Bailey Robotics and the Kimroy Bailey Foundation is no easy task. This hard work and dedication paid off big time when the Talk Up Yout’ team extended an invitation to be featured in Season 4 of the TV program. The Talk Up Yout’ crew journeyed to the cold hills of the Cockpit Country in Trelawny on a semi-freezing Saturday morning to capture video footages of Kimroy Bailey in his world of work outside of work. The team had the grand chance of capturing the KB Farm inclusive of our pigs and chickens poultry farm; and yam, banana and cho-cho farm. After shooting the farm the team traveled to the Kimroy Bailey Foundation 100% Renewable Community Center in Litchfield, Trelawny a few minutes from the farm . The team wrapped up the feature by touring the Kimroy Bailey Robotics lab and recording a demonstration of the KB Smart House, Bailey Botics: quad copter and home security robots. The feature which was aired on TVJ had a grand audience online after it was shared on the Kimroy Bailey Facebook Page. The overwhelming feedback from Facebook friends and supporters bumped this feature up to #7 on our Countdown.

6 Kimroy Bailey Foundation 100% Renewable Community Center
The Kimroy Bailey Foundation has been working assiduously to energize the 1st Community Center in the English speaking Caribbean to be powered exclusively by Renewable Energy. The KB Foundation purchased its first wind turbine for the project in 2014 and gathered a few of our volunteers to install the wind turbine at the facility. The one day installation was a great milestone for the organization. The wind turbine generates up to 1000W of power, enough energy to power 8 laptops and other devices which will be utilized at the facility. The Kimroy Bailey Foundation also acquired and installed the requisite components to store and invert the wind energy such as a charge controller, batteries and inverter. The uniqueness of the project and the intended scale-ability and having similar centers in different regions of the island and eventually different regions across the Caribbean gave this development the #6 spot on our countdown. The Kimroy Bailey Foundation 100% Renewable Community Center will be used as a homework and internet access center and also as a hub to educate youths and unemployed individuals in the rural neighborhood.

5 Kimroy Bailey Robotics Summer Camp 2014
2014 was an aggressive year for Kimroy Bailey Robotics not only was it the year the company was formally registered it was also the year the company decided to provide a fun learning Summer Program for high school students interested in learning about Robotics and Renewable Energy. Kimroy Bailey Robotics had two summer camp sessions and over 70 students enrolled. Each summer camp session ran for 5 days. The first three days students were introduced to robotics, divided in groups of four and provided with a mobile robot to build fun projects. Students were treated to a fun field trip on day 4 of the Wigton Windfarm where a demonstration of automation was showcased and an introduction to the world of renewable energy. The final day concluded the Renewable Energy component of the camp with a tour of the University of Technology, Jamaica solar panel installation. The camp was organized and executed by Kimroy Bailey and Dr. Dave Muir additional instructors included: Marlon Hutchinson, Raymond Ferguson and Shadae Crawford.

4 Kimroy Bailey Robotic Summer Camp Closing Ceremony
The curtains on The Kimroy Bailey Robotics Summer Camp were drawn with a grand closing ceremony featuring partners, sponsors, students, parents and specially invited guests. The event was covered by the Jamaica Information Service (JIS) team. Kimroy Bailey was the keynote speaker at the ceremony and Junior Minister in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining challenged the students to utilize the summer camp platform to innovate great products to propel the growth of our island. Some of our partners included: The University of Technology, Jamaica, Access Financial Services Ltd, Klesing Industrial Supplies, The Digital Yard Foundation, The Wigton Windfarm, GeNNex and The Scientific Research Council.

3 Bailey Bionic
BaileyBionic is a robotic hand made in Jamaica at the Kimroy Bailey Robotics Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab) in Trelawny. The hand is a derivative of the open source humanoid InMoov found on Thingiverse. BaileyBionic boasts two core control inputs: voice command and sonar sensing. The Sonar sensing feature was showcased at the PIOJ exhibition where patrons interacted with BaileyBionic by moving their fingers in front a sensor. Their motion was processed by a microcontroller which allowed BaileyBionic to record and repeat the movement of each finger in the corresponding order. Persons were amazed at the level of details BaileyBionic reproduced whether it was each finger going down and up, the fold of the fist, the pointing finger out and the other fingers closed or a thumbs up. BaileyBionic was able to replicate inputs with remarkable details in real time.

2 Family, Friends and Food
Family and Friends are a big part of who I am and played a vital role in who I’ve become. This countdown would have been flawed if family and friends did not have a reserved spot somewhere close to the top. 2014 was a year to take it slow every once in a while and link up with old friends and continually meet new friends. With no further ado let me say thanks to all my great friends for the support, encouragement and prayers.

1 Kimroy Bailey Robotics #InnovationNation Award to Ashia Thompson
Giving back has been a great part of who we are and as our companies continue to grow, Kimroy Bailey Robotics and the Kimroy Bailey Foundation is committed to contributing to the lives of Jamaican students through the #InnovationNation Award. The #InnovationNation Award is open to appplicant who has been apart of any of our Renewable Robotics program. During our tenure as a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics consultant with the May Day High School Ashia Thompson had the pleasure of being apart of our robotics in school program. She demonstrated her passion for learning new technologies, working cohesively in team and applying herself to overcome challenges with limited resources. Ashia moved on from the May Day High School to undertake her 6th form education at DeCartteth College. She is a proud product of Kimroy Bailey Robotics and the recipient of 13 CXC subjects with 4 grade ones and 9 grade twos. The wouldn’t be any better way to cap our countdown than to saying CONGRATS Ashia, keep making Jamaica proud.
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