Jamaica Alternative Energy Expo

Monday, April 15, 2013 went down in history as the start of the renewable energy revolution, the first day of the Jamaica Alternative Energy Expo. This two day event, which is the first of its kind anywhere on the island, was held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, under the theme, “We have the power today, to change tomorrow”. There were over 50 exhibitors at this event including the title sponsor US Solar Institute.
On exhibition was a variety of energy saving options and technology including various energy conservation devices, devices to monitor energy consumption and renewable alternatives for commercial as well as residential customers.
Energy Expo Presentation: 100% Renewable Jamaica
Over the course of the two days there were various speakers and presenters, both local and international, sharing their experiences, research and other valuable information to the many patrons who visited the event. These presentations highlighted the vast benefits of renewable energy in Jamaica, securing these systems, funding these projects, payback and other everyday questions asked by individuals about moving from conventional energy source to renewable energy.
The expo’s exhibitors were diverse and ran the gamut from training in renewable energy technology to sales, energy auditing, financing, installation and maintenance of said systems. There were also numerous lighting solutions for home and office as well as every budget.
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Among some of the most ingenuous products observed was a liquid pool cover to retain the warmth of your pool’s water and an alternative to coal for grilling meats called bio briquettes
The objectives of the expo were:
Facilitate the sharing of information to educate and sensitize the public about energy efficiency and conservation in residential, commercial and institutional settings.
Showcasing the latest and emerging energy efficient products and technologies designed to assist customers, businesses and institutions to reduce energy usage, thereby reducing energy costs, enhancing their competitiveness and maximizing ROI;
Assemble the most visionary facilitators in energy to demonstrate the direct benefits of new and emerging energy technologies; and allowing participants to explore the economic benefits of alternative energy industries on local communities and the need to develop new energy industries.
Create an enabling environment that would facilitate potential business development opportunities;
Provide a range of facilities and financing options to encourage attendees to invest in new energy products and technologies
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Judging from theconstant buzz in the atmosphere at the event, the constant flow of patrons into the venue and the small groups that would form throughout the venue, it is safe to assume that these objectives were fully met. Exhibitors could be seen interacting not only with curious patrons eager to hear more about new technologies and how these could positively impact their lives, but fellow exhibitors as well, facilitating the sharing of information and the creation of new opportunities.
During my interactions with the exhibitors, many spoke with authority about the quality of their products and the priority they place on customer service and affordability.

The presentations from the invited speakers were as varied as the exhibits themselves. Representatives from Jamaica Public Service Company Limited, Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, Appliance Traders Limited, USSolar, Jamaica Solar Energy Association and other organizations including yours truly all presented on topics ranging from things to think about when purchasing a solar system for your home or office to how Jamaica can play a leadership role in the Caribbean as it relates to renewable energy. The presentations were well supported, especially those on the main stage with it being standing room only for most part which increase interaction between presenters and their audience.
The Jamaica Alternative Energy expo has restarted the discussion of the possibility of 100% Renewable Jamaica. Jamaica’s 2030 vision state a 30% projection for renewable energy by 2030, I personally think that is very low target and if our nation is serious about economic growth and manufacturing we have to be thinking 100% Renewable by 2030 by putting the wind to work, here is how we could start funding an Offshore wind farm. Thanks for all stakeholders who made the Jamaica Alternative Energy expo 2013 a successful one.
Comments (6)
I recently engaged the jps in a facebook conversation and asked why they didnt go clean out the rubble from the old Johnson River dam up behind Serge Island, the pipelines for the turbine, and the turbine base are still in place, all they need to do is clean it out, heck they could sell the stone they take out. Their comment was, “we know nothing about this”
Let me echo Jeremy: “we know nothing about this” But HOW COULD YOU NOT smh.. Rather sad, one of the most productive dams back in the day and you know nothing about this, all I can do is : )
Not many people would have heard of this dam, much less an IT person behind a FB page. It was a 250kW hydro owned & operated by PCJ, I believe. It was washed away in 1993.
Unfortunatley its savings might neither pay for a toll road nor for itself. These small-remote rivers are expensive to build and maintain. After one investment is wahed away, its going to be hard to find another investor to put money back into the same location, IMO. Economics drives most investment decisions, and this project seems very high risk.
I have been talking about this dam not being used for years, and no-one has anything to say…a couple years ago, I saw a tender request for someone to take up the building out of the toll road to porus for us$330 million. I made the suggestion then, that instead of building out the road now, they use that money top refurbish the Johnson River dam and then use the savings from renewable power supplies to build the road. No-one did me even the courtesy of replying. WTF is it with this country, that we, the citizens, have decent, or any ideas, about building our country, and we are totally ignored? You know something? There is going to be a revolution in this country very soon if they dont stop ignoring us except at election time
Only a 30% projection is made for Renewable energy in 2030. That is very low and that says not much growth anywhere else in nation building/economy. #sad Forging ahead nevertheless and I pray that investors are not sourced to do the key part of the process..putting us back where we are today. It must be ‘ [By] Jamaicans, For Jamaicans’. #welldone again Kimroy
*correction on prev post) I hope investors are not sourced outside of this country…