Highway wind turbine streetlights
#TeamKB, Here’s a super cool innovation and another reason to #KeepBelieving in the future of renewable technology. A creative concept of a ‘wind-turbine highway lights’ powered by the rush of air created by cars and trucks speeding past.
Eco-design firm TAK was responsible for creating the concept and pitched it to government, state and other transportation officials, noting that all of that unused wind from passing vehicles would not only power overhead lights but feed the grid during daylight hours.
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The island of Jamaica is home to grand highway infrastructure such as the Highway 2000 and the various legs that links to Portmore, Mandeville, Ocho Rios and Montego Bay. Imagine the vast amount of energy and income this would created on a daily basis. Did you know that the construction for the Portmore leg of the highway cost US$100 million with an average interest cost of US$12 million per year. This means that in order to repay interest along we need J$2.1 million PER DAY, please note this is just to pay INTEREST. This technology + Toll payments would do us well [Highway 2000, Jamaica].
This wind turbine concept just might solve that funding problem; judging from their size one wind turbine might generate about 500W. If the Portmore leg of the highway, the busiest of them all, should have 100 of these turbines producing energy 50% of the time from passing cars. The toll would generate 50kW of energy for 12 hours daily and this energy could be sold to the JPS at US10cent/ kWh, the same rate as that of the Wigton Wind Farm. That would mean, the toll road would generate a total income of US$12,000.00 or J$1.2 million dollars PER DAY. This would reduce the cost for each vehicle through the toll by over 50% by putting the wind to work.
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Judging from the conceptual photo, the turbine wouldn’t be hard on the eyes either. Much more aesthetic compared to larger wind turbines.
In order for this design to be lucrative a wider central median will be require for vehicles to clear the width of the turbine. The only other option is to place the turbines higher on the pole, this would be a less favorable option since vehicles of a lower height will not propell the turbines as much as it would with the wide median option.
#TeamKB What do you think? Do you #Believe that this idea could come to life?
Please share this via our social media links and add your comment to our discussion below. Let’s #KeepBelieving, renewable energy technology is growing.
Source: Oregon Live
Comments (19)
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I am not sure, do the vehicles have to drive at a speed so to generate the energy needed, and what is the speed amount, will it be too fast which will break the speed limit?
I suggestion came, but not about the Highway wind turbine; is it possible to power cars from the electricity from Wind Turbines and not fuel, and allow it to be charged by the wind speed while driving.
Do not know much about physics, so you tell me.
You raise some interesting questions Marlon, First the speed of the drivers is an interesting thing to take into consideration but the average wind turbine would generate maximum output at winds above 10m/s. A vehicle driving above 80km/h would be adequate to produce this wind I suppose. Powering cars while they drive would utilize wireless charging which is a very young technology currently. But thats a great idea though.
Great read. It certainly makes you think. If only the powers that be would develop just a little bit of imagination then they’d see that there is so much that’s possible. This would go a long way towards nation building and easing the strain on tax payers.
In the realm of possibilities all things are possible!!!
THAT is wicked!
Looks great. One day, one day KB, keep believing.
This is lovely.
I think this a good idea. I think that it would be good like how the government is making the new highway. this would make the government save money as the country import a lot of oil. one concern I have is that would the government or china harbor pay for these light?
I think it’s a great idea… I am really interested to know more about this technology …..can i consider it for my final year project in mechanical engg.Will it work on indian roads????
dope idea,
I like how these look. On slow days, they can be backed up by the electricity grid, so they would work all the time.
@Kimroy Bailey I think that wireless induction charging for electric vehicles should first be implemented at office buildings in employee parking spaces so they can automatically (and fully) charge their cars while at work for 8 hours, even when it is raining.
That is daytime charging, which can be done using solar panels (and little to no energy storage)
I love coming up with ways to utilize renewable energy in such a way that it requires little to no energy storage or gas backup.
how does the turbine connect to the pole? is the pole and turbine a package deal? and how do i get one or more?
Nice Your Concepts
Wonderful idea this. Is it expensive?
Really great
👍 will be doing this at my house